Lord of glory, come among us;
hear us as we sing your praise!
For your mercy is enduring,
God of kindness, King of grace!
Let the world embrace this wonder:
in Christ Jesus love abounds!
Alleluia, sweet Hosannas,
let the joyful news resound!
To the sinner Christ grants mercy,
to the lost He shows the Way.
Lift your hearts and sing His praises
for He comes again today.
Praise and glory to the Father,
laud and honor to the Son,
power and blessings to the Spirit:
ever three and ever One.
Draw us close, Lord, by your Spirit;
make us faithful, strong and pure.
Come and work your re-formation,
in our sinful hearts, your cure.
Send us out renewed, awakened,
grant that faithful we may be,
doing justice, loving kindness,
walking in humility.
November 15, 2009
Lord of Glory, Come Among Us! - Sunday Hymn
Sunday Hymn