July 27, 2009

Multitude Monday

holy experience

1 (again)~ New beginnings~ Beginning afresh~

As I thought about rejoining the Gratitude Community, trying to find my previous list and picking up the numbering from there, the words ~his mercies begin afresh each morning. *~ kept running through my mind, so I decided to begin afresh this truly, wonderfully endless gift list.

1. the Lord’s great love and mercy
2. His word and the many and varied ways He brings it to me
3. my family
4. the shelter of my home
5. the surprising ways He provides
6. the ways He creates beauty from ashes
7. old friends
8. new friends
9. nature
10. fresh fruits & vegetables from a neighbor
11. a gift of wonderful smelling cleaning supplies
12. the beautiful peace lily in my kitchen
13. music~ especially hymns
14. books, books, and more books
15. folks to share the books & music with
16. electricity & the appliances it powers
17. summer jobs for a 12 year old boy
18. telephones, cellphones, internet, mail~ staying connected to family & friends
19. opportunities (and the ability) to help
20. discernment

*Lamentations 3:23 (NLT)