July 29, 2009


Maybe because the Gratitude List was so fresh in my mind, my first thoughts while considering~ How your Soul’s Lover has wooed you with His Love Letter ...~ were of a list of means.

He woos me in so many different, amazing, and surprising ways. Sometimes it takes my breath away . . . the intimacy, something that would only mean something to me. Or the timing, just the right Word at just the right time. And the myriad means He uses to get my attention, to pull me in, to get me to dig deeper, sometimes so extraordinary, sometimes seemingly mundane~
* in a regular morning Bible reading, seeing something in a way I’ve never seen it before
* hearing a long familiar verse in a different translation causing me to stop and ponder it anew
* while explaining a Bible passage to my kids, I see something a little differently this time
* listening to a hymn I start to wonder about the story behind it
* watching a youtube video of a beautiful hymn, seeing/hearing/feeling it in a new way
* reading a provocative blog~ maybe at the time it was written or maybe months later~ and having it be just what I needed at the time that I read it
* listening to a sermon, hearing something that gives me a new perspective on an issue
* reading a devotion or prayer that evokes deep emotions of love, gratitude, joy
* in conversation with a friend or a total stranger, hearing “something” meant for me
* a scripture coming to mind in a time of need (mine or someone else’s)
* “just happening” to pick up that book, click on that blog, tune into that message, turn to that particular scripture, see that article or advertisement, pray that particular prayer . . .

The Word, His love letter, contains His life-giving, life-sustaining words. Scripture is His living, active, powerful Word. He knows I need it, need to feed on it and because He loves me, He woos me.

‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ Acts 17:28 (NIV)

holy experience