August 4, 2009

Small Beginnings

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin . . .” Zechariah 4:10

Small beginnings, little things, small successes, whatever we want to call them, l
ast week I had a gentle reminder of how easy they are to overlook and not recognize as being as important. So in the spirit of taking note of these small beginnings and their importance, here goes:

1. Over the weekend I decided it was time to get back to a more purposeful
(but very relaxed and personalized) learning environment. So yesterday morning we got started and it went really well, not too much, relaxed, high interest, lots of praise. I’m an unschooler at heart, I also know my child and know that he’s happiest with routine and some structure so . . . well that’s a blog for another time (smile).

2. I started journaling again, don't know why I ever stop, I’m always so blessed by it.

3. I’ve been making some big changes in our my diet and we’ve been sticking with it (despite some very big temptations).

Each of these “small beginnings” is another blessing from the Lord, more gifts from the One Who loves me for which I am so very grateful.